​​Wherever you are on your faith journey,
St. Aidan's welcomes you.
Among us you will find a variety of faith stories and experiences and a diversity of beliefs.
What we share in common is a trust that in community, in our worship, and in our caring for
others we learn to better love our neighbor and deepen our awareness of God's presence.
We understand this to be the fuller life to which Jesus calls us.
Sunday Services
9:30 a.m. Family-friendly Holy Eucharist, Rite II*
5:30 p.m. Celtic Worship*
Weekday Services
7:00 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Evening Worship/Compline (online only)
*These services are in-person and live streamed via Zoom.
St. Aidan’s is a worshipping community grounded in love of neighbor and committed to following in the way of openness and inclusion that we see in the life of Jesus.
St. Aidan’s offers a diversity of invitations to spiritual community, from our unique worship services to fellowship through community events and ministries, to educational opportunities for people of all ages. Understanding the need to see relevance for our lives in the church’s message, St. Aidan’s begins by meeting people where they are. We work to live out the Gospel through our actions, reaching out to the physically and the spiritually hungry. In changing times, we are both grounded in our rich tradition and open to new ways of walking together.
Wherever you are on your faith journey, we invite you to walk with us at St. Aidan’s.