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Christian Formation

When we talk about Christian education at St. Aidan’s, we are talking about Christian formation, which includes education but goes beyond the limits of that word to embrace a holistic influence on the whole person – mind, body, and spirit. “Formation” means we are shaped, molded, and formed as people of faith through learning, experience and community in the Body of Christ. Throughout our lives, we are continually being formed in our identity as followers of Jesus.


In the academic year, Christian formation is offered on Sunday mornings from 10:45-11:30 a.m. for adults and for children from 3 years through 5th grade, with opportunities for intergenerational formation on the 3rd & 5th Sundays of the month.  Youth from 6th through 12th grade meet twice a month on Sunday evenings. 


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Godly Play (Children 4 years old through 1st grade)

Godly Play is a Montessori-based curriculum that uses an imaginative approach to introduce children to the stories and themes of the Christian tradition. Through careful story telling, beautiful materials, creative practice and reflection, children explore their own answers to faith questions.


Episcopal Youth of Alexandria (EYOA)
Grades 2-5

This group gathers around a story or theme each week, using games, discussion, and creative engagement to learn and think about the meaning of their faith tradition. 

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Episcopal Youth Community (EYC)
Grades 6-12

The youth group gathers twice a month for games and discussion.  Our youth groups have done mission trips, service projects, hikes, plays, movies, overnight lock-ins at the church and more. This group aims to provide a setting where young people can share, explore, and find support along their journey.

Adult Formation

Adults gather on Sunday mornings at 10:45 a.m. to explore experiences, ideas, and teachings about life and faith. Recent topics have included hospitality as a Christian tradition, spiritual development, theodicy, social justice, and Biblical history. The discoveries we make through study and discussion enrich our journeys and equip us for ministry.

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Adult education and formation opportunities are also offered through The Center for Spiritual Deepening at St. Aidan’s. The Center brings in speakers and teachers to guide us in spiritual practices and exploration of the lives and teachings of spiritual leaders, saints, and mystics, always seeking to make connections to the Spirit at work in our own lives.     


St. Aidan's Episcopal Church
8531 Riverside Rd.

Alexandria, Virginia, 22308


Church: 703-360-4220

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School: 703-360-4160

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