Study and Prayer

Women’s Reading Circle
Tuesday mornings at 9:30 am - meet in person
The Women's Reading Circle began in 2001 as the first "women's only" gathering place at St. Aidan's. We thought we would read one book together over the Lenten period, discuss our faith, and that would be it. But we have continued weekly, all these years, reading faith-based books, historical fiction, and excellent novels that inspire rich discussion as we share our personal stories and support one another. The group is open to women of any age. We learn from each other's experiences through laughter and occasional tears, and we maintain guidelines of confidentiality. Contact the Parish Office if you are interested in this group.
Silent Prayer
Tuesday (meet in person) and Friday (meet via Zoom) mornings at 8:00 am
Those who seek to include meditation in their weekly practice often find it easier to do so in the company of others. On Tuesday and Friday mornings, you are invited to light a candle at home and join us for 20 minutes of shared silence. It is that simple. All are welcome; regular attendance is not required. Send an email to info@centerforspiritualdeepening.org to be added to the mailing list for these gatherings.
Gospel of Thomas
1st and 3rd Thursdays, 7:30 pm via Zoom
The Gospel of Thomas is new to many of us and at the same time ancient, perhaps the oldest of the gospel writings. This gathering of sayings of Jesus seems to have been a source for the writers of the canonical gospels. The text, found in a cave in Egypt in 1945, has contributed to a new appreciation of Jesus as a wisdom teacher in the Eastern tradition.
We meet twice a month to work with one or two of the 114 sayings through lectio divina-sacred listening. All are welcome for this time of reflection, meditation, and discussion, whether or not you have attended previous meetings. Send an email to info@centerforspiritualdeepening.org to be added to the mailing list for these gatherings.
Soul Circle
2nd and 4th Thursdays, 7:30 pm via Zoom
We gather for conversation about the spiritual life, meeting in this community with others who, like us, long to become the sound, whole persons our traditions tell us we were created to become. The leader for the evening opens with a short silence followed by opening prayers and a reading, perhaps poetry or the wisdom of a spiritual teacher. We share our guidelines for welcoming conversation, then those who wish to are invited to speak about the experience of trying to live intentionally the life to which they feel called. Send an email to info@centerforspiritualdeepening.org to be added to the mailing list for these gatherings.