Stewardship 2025

Stewardship is an invitation to make a grace-shaped difference in the world. Stewardship is an invitation to help change people’s lives for the better. You are invited to make an impact. You are invited to join with others in participating in God’s ongoing mission of radical inclusion, love, compassion, and justice. You are invited to be grace in action.
This year, our annual giving campaign theme is “Grace in Action.” This theme calls us to respond to God’s grace by offering back our gifts in love and service. We invite you to join us in this mission by participating in our 2025 Annual Giving Campaign.
As you consider pledging to these campaigns, we urge you to prayerfully consider your contribution. You may use the link highlighted in yellow below to submit your confidential Grace in Action pledge. You may also print off a pledge card using the links above and mail your pledge to the church, or place the card in the Sunday offertory plate. Finally, use the tile below to easily and securely set up online giving for this year's campaign.
Thank you for contributing to the mission and ministries of St. Aidan's.​
Pledge & Online Giving Instructions
Setting up one-time or recurring gifts online has never been easier.
1) Pledge for 2025! Click HERE to tell us your $ commitment for the
Grace in Action 2025 Annual Campaign.
2) Use the tile below to schedule your 2025 Grace in Action annual pledge payments via credit card or ACH transfer. Be sure to Log In or create a new profile if you don't have one already; doing so will allow you to see your transactions, giving history, and make changes more easily in the future. ​
Stewardship at St. Aidan's
We recognize stewardship as love expressed through the careful and responsible management of our resources—our finances, our buildings and grounds, and the time and talents of the parish.
St. Aidan’s practice of stewardship is to involve as many people as possible in supporting the church through the annual stewardship campaign, as well as community activities such as the Oktoberfest and Christmas tree sale. Stewardship includes both financial support and volunteer efforts. A recent capital campaign to pay down debt was a chance to tally not only monetary contributions but also over 8000 volunteer hours dedicated to the work and ministry of the church.
Financial support for the mission and life of St. Aidan’s comes primarily in the form of pledges from parishioners. Each year we ask our members to consider all they receive in their participation in this community and then to return a portion to support God’s work in and through this congregation.
Gifts to the Annual Operating Fund can be made by annual pledge or donation. While we gratefully accept donations at any time, annual pledges allow us to align contributions with expenditures throughout the year. Make a pledge below, or you may request a pledge card from the parish office. Your pledge to St. Aidan’s remains strictly confidential.
The legal designation for all gifts to the church is St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church, Alexandria, Virginia.

The St. Aidan’s Endowment Fund
St. Aidan’s Endowment Fund was established in 2019 by the Vestry at the request of the Congregation. The fund embodies the continuing legacy of faith and gifts of its parishioners. Assets held in this fund cannot be used for St. Aidan’s ongoing operations, but are instead designated for capital improvements, outreach ministries, seed money for new ministries and donor-specified purposes. State Street Global Advisors serves as the endowment fund’s investment manager.
St. Aidan’s parishioners and friends may make gifts to the church that continue to support St. Aidan’s and serve as a living memorial to donors, designated persons, or events. Contributions to the endowment qualify for charitable or estate tax gift deductions to the extent allowed by law. St. Aidan’s works with parishioners and friends to make gifts to the endowment fund. To learn more, please contact the Parish Office.
Planned Giving
Planned Giving is the process of making a charitable gift as part of the donor’s financial or estate plan, either during the donor’s life or at their death. Your planned gift to St. Aidan’s may serve to support the church and help you make more substantial gifts as well as to address your own financial needs. Many planned gifts use legal and tax strategies and/or financial products to provide financial benefits or tax deductions for donors.
Planned gifts may be made to St. Aidan’s Operations Fund or to the Endowment Fund. These gifts are often made via a will or trust, or by a “pay on death” or beneficiary designation related to a bank account, life insurance policy, mutual fund, IRA or other retirement plan, or by a deed to St. Aidan’s. St. Aidan’s works with parishioners and friends along with their tax advisors and attorneys to help them make planned gifts. To learn more, please contact the Parish Office.